omg,,,malasnyer aku niey nak update blog ni..
mesti ngeFans aku windu nk tau ttg aku kan?!
kah3x,,,klako a bile ade fan..
erm where to start..
hurmm,,as uols knw lah...
my assgmnt tis sems OMG byk!!
mmg sakit ati,,makin nak abes blaja makin byk plak lcturer bg..
1 of my assgmnt tis sems is tis watercolor bengkel yg diadakan di Lata Tembakah..
to be truth,,,aku lebey rela g mandi dr mlukis bcoz lanscape is not my expertice..
mlukis macam tahik,,,ade hati nak lukis pmandangan..
so kiteowg ni pny la smgt pack brg,,smp lecturer bg watercolor&palette br ni..
tp hasilnya,,,hampeh as usual..
so korg tgk ar gmb2 yg smpat diambil...
xpyahla jie nk melukis...cmla daku xingat lukisan hang mase kt sekolah dlu..hahahaha...n pluss perlu ke nyah ko pose tepi air terjun cmtu skali..hahahaa
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