Sunday, October 12, 2008

trip wit dear,,,

Mr&Mrs Husni Zaim(yg blom mandi,,,ahahahahaha)

yg ni view kul 6.40pagi.

sori yer,,,baju smlm coz br bangun tido. nak sgt tgk matahari terbit. heheheehehe

the view kul 6.50 pagi

kanak2 girang b'main air

the chalet

tis is our bed,,,wonder what's happen there...hahahahahaha

bilik air dia ok ar,,,xdela nak 5star sgt tp bersih lar...xdela kembang sgt tekak aku. hehehehe

katil kosong yg d'letakkan barang2 kami,,ahehehehe

otw nak g beach utk mandi laut

"cian,,,dah lama x mandi laut.... " katanyer

i lurve tis pic but i dunno why,,,ley x gitu?

wit dear

tgk jer yea,,,he's mine!!! ahahahahaha

hello guys,,,tis is a special's the world xclusive la kirenyer...ahehehehe bukan pape pown,,,just a trip wit my dear. tis is our 1st trip 2 ghtr. it's really romantic to go vaca wit him. kiteorg g vaca kat permau chalet,tok bali. it's really nice coz the room isn't that bad. it's just $55 only,and it's fit for three person. the beach was damn nice,,,the sand is sooo smooth. mmg strategic ar tempat tuh. dear mmg susah payah jer bwk owg g vaca even though his really damn tired. he say,,,he will do anything to makes me happy...i'm the luckiest person on earth to hav him...hehehehe


Rezz Fukumoto said...

wow jenjalan ngan bf ker.....gedik nyer lah mak ayam nieee